
Suncorp NetSetGo is Netball Australia's only junior entry netball program. It has been developed to provide children from 5 to 10 years with the best possible learning and playing experience to develop a positive introduction to netball, ensuring enjoyment and continued participation.

Net - Net Skills Program is for players turning 5 and 6

Set - Set is often referred to as 'Nettas' and is for players turning 6 to 8

Go - Go is still non-competitive but players play on the hard courts and is divided into under 9s and under 10s

Competitive netball starts at under 11s!

This year, players turning 6 are able to choose between participating in the 10 week Net Skills Program or in the 6-8s Set Program where they will be allocated to a team, attend weekly training and play Saturday games.

About Net Skills Program at WDNA

The WDNA Net Skills Program program includes 10 weekly activities designed for young players (5/6 years) to learn netball related fundamental motor skills. The program incorporates minor games, music, dance, and modified matches in a fun and safe environment. Several WDNA clubs participate in the program, which is a great opportunity for young players to make some new friends outside of their own clubs! For more information on how WDNA runs NetSetGo see the WDNA NetSetGo Policy. 

Click here for the guide for NSG for Grown Ups

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For more information on the Suncorp NetSetGo program, please visit the official Suncorp NetSetGo website. If you would like more information on rules, roles, and responsibilities, see the Guide for Grownups.

Attention players turning 6 this year can now choose to play either the 10 week Net Skills Program OR they can register and play in the full netball season in the 7/8s Competition! This way they can be a part of a Raiders team, train on a Wednesday, play on the grassed courts each week and wear the Raiders uniform. When registering, select either the Net Skills Program of the Day Season competition. If you are unsure, please contact us on

Program Information 2024

Net Program begins Saturday 11th May!

Days:    Saturday mornings

Times:   8am-9am

Dates:   11 May, 18 May, 25 May (rained out), 1 June (rained out), 8 June, 15 June, 13 July, 20 July, 27 July, 3 August, 10 August, 17 August

Where:  Grassed Courts, Western Districts Netball Association

Bring along a water bottle, wear clothes you can run around in and be ready to have some fun!

Players in the Net Skills Program do not train on a Wednesday and do not require a Raiders uniform.

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