Umpire Development

There are a number of steps you can undertake to advance your umpiring. These steps are listed below.

WDNA Umpire Award

IMG 9214 ( 002)
  • This award is an association award and is not a prerequisite for a National Badge 
  • The award recognises the development of position, vision and timing along with basic game management to ensure the safety of players 
  • Prerequisites for this award include completing a basic umpiring course and having a current pass mark of 70% or higher in the Rules of Netball Theory Examination 
  • For more information regarding the criteria visit here

National C Badge

  • Umpires are encouraged to work towards their National C Badge
  • To obtain a National C Badge you must have completed the Foundation Umpire Course available through Netball Australia (visit here) and have a pass mark of 70% or higher in the Rules of Netball Theory Examination
  • Mentoring will be available for those wishing to work towards their National C Badge
  • Visit here for more information

National B Badge

  • To obtain a National B Badge you must have completed the Foundation Umpire Course and have a current pass mark of 90% or higher in the Rules of Netball Theory Examination
  • Please contact the umpire coordinator at if you wish to work towards this Badge 

Mentoring at Raiders

  • At Raiders we take pride in our umpires and aim to provide them with every opportunity to develop their skills. One of the ways we do this is through mentoring and support. All our mentors are experienced National Badged Umpires who are available to assist developing umpires, particularly as they approach their National Badge or WDNA award assessments. It is expected that once Badged, umpires will be available to assist less experienced umpires in reaching their goals.  

 Hannah  Ward umpiring

Team Selections I
10s - Opens
WDNA, Graceville
Team Selections II
10s - Opens
WDNA, Graceville
Team Selections III
10s - Opens
Nissan Arena, Nathan
Team Selections IIII
10s - Opens
WDNA, Graceville
Squads/Teams Announced
Some age groups may require squads to be announced and squad trainings to occur until teams can be selected
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